Members of the Board of Trustees
Hal Jardine - Zone 2
Dean Moncur - Zone 4
Karen Pyron- Zone 1, Board Chairman
Natasha Summers - Zone 3
Rebecca Knapp - Zone 5
Joe Steele - Superintendent -
[email protected]
Lara Miller -Business Manager/Clerk of the Board -
Butte County Joint School District believes:
- Every student can learn.
- That the primary educator of the child is the family.
- In providing a safe, caring, and desirable environment without fear, threat, or intimidation.
- In inspiring the learner with a personal vision of the future, complete with the tools to make a positive contribution to society.
- Each student should experience success every day in every classroom.
- In working together to teach and learn in creative and cooperative ways.
- In respecting the diversity of people and their learning styles.
- In the process of continuous school improvement.
- In maximizing student-teacher contact.
- In effective professional development of all staff.
- In data-driven decisions and research-based "best practices" across all educational areas including planning, instruction, assessment, and grading.
- In the best possible teaching of a curriculum tied to the Idaho Achievement Standards and aligned in terms of what is written, taught, and tested.
- In promoting responsible citizenship, civic responsibility, sportsmanship, leadership, and cooperation.
- In excellence of all educational programs, whether curricular or extracurricular. In strong parent-school-community collaboration with a positive and courteous customer service focus.
- In high expectations for the present and future.
- In developing a community of actively engaged lifelong learners who are respected, protected, and valued.
- In a uniform and thorough system of public education which addresses the following eight elements of thoroughness (Idaho Code 33-1612):
1. Safe learning environment conducive to learning.
2. Maintenance of classroom discipline.
3. Basic values of honesty, self-discipline, unselfishness, respect for authority, and the central importance of work.
4. Basic curriculum to prepare for post-secondary educational programs.
5. Communication skills.
6. Work force skills.
7. Current technology.
8. Responsible citizenship.
School Board Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month in the High Schools Library located at 120 South Water St. in Arco, Idaho. If you wish to be placed on the agenda, contact the district office at 690-3410 for information.