The Butte County Safe & Drug Free Schools Program was implemented in 1989 and has been maintained over time with the help of a community committee, state and federal funding, and educators. The federal government created the program and provided funding by enrollment in an effort to reduce drug use. The State of Idaho through our legislators joined the effort by taxing cigarettes for a funding source. The Safe & Drug Free Program is a member of the state department of education. Each school district has a coordinator who manages the program at the local level. The local SDFS Committee must follow certain program criteria and complete an annual report on monies spent and projects completed in relation to the established goals. Contact person for Butte County Schools is Jaci Hill, 690-3411 or 690-3430.
The goal of the Safe & Drug Free Schools program is to build on the strengths of Idaho students by establishing a positive learning environment that is safe, drug and violence free in which youth may develop to their maximum academic and life skill potential.
The District program must be based on the “Principles of Effectiveness” which include:
- Needs assessment
- Local advisory Board
- Measurable goals and objectives
- Activities based on research or evaluation that provide evidence that the strategies used prevent or reduce drug use, violence, or disruptive behavior among youth
- Evaluation component
There are comprehensive components of the program which include:
1. Curriculum - Prevention programs implemented and taught in the classroom setting during the school day.
2. Non- Curriculum - Activities that emphasize and reinforce prevention programs before and after school, and during lunch.
3. Peer-Delivered - Youth led activities such as: mentoring, peer mediation, cross-age teaching.
4. Intervention - Services or activities that provide help, such as: Student Assistance Programs, counseling, and drug/alcohol assessments.
5 Parent/Community - Awareness/educational prevention and parenting skill programs.
6. Special Events - Assemblies, presentations and activities that reinforce prevention efforts.
7. Prevention Staffing/Development - Staff involved in implementing prevention programs, workshops, seminars, and training.
8. Accountability and Effectiveness - Key components derived from data collection and successor future development and implementation direction is driven by the data compiled.