Title 1-A At Risk Students

Title IA: Funds to provide help for kids and schools in poverty. BCSD uses the funds for teachers, para-pros, summer school, parent involvement, and some supplies. All schools receive funding  The percentage of students on Free and Reduced Lunch in each school (March 2024) is as follows:

Arco Elementary 44.09%
Howe Elementary 28.57%
Butte County Middle/High School 38.46%

What is Title I?

Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides financial assistance from the federal government to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students.  The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading, and writing. These students need a little extra help to be successful in school.  Title I funds provide a teacher at participating schools who has a classroom for students to come to each day and receive focused academic assistance.  There are paraprofessionals to assist the teacher. 

Funding also provides for parent involvement activities.  Parents are a big factor in a student’s success.  By becoming an active participant in the Title I parent involvement plan at the school, parents will serve as role models, demonstrate the importance to the child of his or her progress, and teach the student that parent input at the school is appreciated.

Under Title I, there is also funding for professional development for school staff, a variety of supplementary teaching methods and additional teaching materials.

 Click here for:  State Report Card

What do Title I programs offer?
Title I programs generally offer:

  • Special instructional spaces
  • Additional teachers and paraprofessionals 
  • Opportunities for professional development for school staff
  • Extra time for teaching Title I students the skills needed to be successful
  • A variety of supplementary teaching methods
  • An individualized program for students
  • Additional teaching materials which supplement a student’s regular instruction

For more information regarding Title 1, Part A, please contact your schools principal.